Specific Plan
Final Specific Plan
The related Environmental Impact Report can be found on the General Plan Update page as Volume 3.
The draft document and full collection of documents and staff reports detailing the entire conceptualization and adoption process can be found below.
Draft Specific Plan
The Draft Specific Plan and supporting documents are accessible using the following links:
The related Environmental Impact Report can be found on the General Plan Update page as Volume 3.
Project / Process Background
In urban planning parlance, a Specific Plan contains and describes the development principles and desired outcomes for a defined part of the City. It is consistent with the principles of the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, but provides additional guidance specific to that area.
In Suisun City, we have a Specific Plan that encompasses the Downtown / Waterfront District.(PDF, 5MB) The Plan was amended in 1999 to help preserve the historic character of the original areas of Suisun City while allowing redevelopment and modernization consistent with 21st century community expectations and needs.
It’s been 15 years since the Plan was comprehensively amended, and it’s time for an update to make sure the principles and guidelines in the Plan are still on target and meeting community needs. A key identified need is to expand the plan area to include property near the Suisun City Train Depot, the future development of which will impact the entire Waterfront District.
Draft documents, staff reports and other resources used to develop the Specific Plan Update so far.
07/28/2016 Planning Commission Agenda Packet(PDF, 3MB)
7 p.m. Special Meeting Agenda with staff reports, including a conditional use permit for a gift/linen shop at 1125 Park Lane, a workshop on the Draft Waterfront District Specific Plan, and a finding of General Plan conformance for a City-owned parcel on the northeast corner of Marina Blvd. and Driftwood Drive.
12/01/2015 City Council Agenda Packet(PDF, 3MB)
6 p.m. Special Closed Session agenda, and 7 p.m. Regular Session agenda with staff reports, including discussion and policy direction regarding the Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan.
11/03/2015 City Council Agenda Packet(PDF, 4MB)
7 p.m. Regular Session Agenda with staff reports, including direction and discussion on Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update policies and a Public Hearing on adding Zephyr Estates to CFD #2
09/22/2015 Planning Commission Agenda Packet(PDF, 5MB)
7 p.m. Regular Session Agenda and staff reports, including amending the McCoy Creek Planned Urban Development, and direction regarding Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update policies.
09/01/2015 City Council Agenda Packet(PDF, 5MB)
7 p.m. Regular Session Agenda with staff reports, including an Emergency Preparedness Month update, an agreement to assess feasibility of a tax measure on the Nov. 2016 ballot, and a public hearing regarding Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update policies.
08/18/2015 Planning Commission Agenda Packet(PDF, 2MB)
7 p.m. special meeting agenda and staff reports, including a Public Hearing on direction regarding Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update policies.
Final SPU Vision Statement & Preferred Land Use Alternative(PDF, 458KB)
City Council Resolution 2015-68 adopting the Specific Plan Update Vision Statement and Preferred Land Use Alternative.
06/09/2015 City Council agenda packet(PDF, 5MB)
7 p.m. Regular Session Agenda with staff reports, including FY15-16 Budget Workshop, and adoption of Vision and Preferred Land Use Alternative for the Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update
05/05/2015 City Council Agenda(PDF, 4MB)
7 p.m. Regular Session Agenda with staff reports, including Public Hearing on 2035 General Plan (item was continued from April 21; for 4/21/15 agenda item Part 1 click here(PDF, 4MB) | for 4/21/15 agenda item Part 2 click here)(PDF, 6MB), and Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan
04/14/2015 Planning Commission Agenda Packet(PDF, 7MB)
7 p.m. Regular Meeting Agenda and staff reports, including Public Hearing on proposed Senior Assisted Care Facility at 405 Kings Way, and Public Hearing on Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update "Vision" and "Land Use Alternatives."
Draft Vision for Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan(PDF, 78KB)
Specific Plan Update - Draft Planning Districts Map(PDF, 2MB)
02/17/2015 City Council Agenda packet(PDF, 5MB)
7 p.m. Regular Session Agenda with staff reports, including hearing on unpaid solid waste collection charges, discussion and direction regarding vision for Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update, and annexing Walmart to CFD No. 2.
02/10/2015 Planning Commission Agenda packet(PDF, 4MB)
7 p.m. meeting agenda and staff reports, including an informational item on bylaws and a public hearing on the Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update Vision.
Notes from Nov. 13, 2014, Community Meeting(PDF, 129KB)
These notes were made from input at the Community Meeting on the General Plan and Specific Plan updates held on Nov. 13, 2014, at the Harbor Theater.
Key Questions in Developing a Consensus Vision(PDF, 313KB)
This document offers a hand-full of questions designed to get you thinking about the future of the specific plan area.
PDA Preferred Land Use Map(PDF, 332KB)
Specific Plan Update Outline(PDF, 346KB)
06/17/2014 City Council Agenda Packet - Part 1(PDF, 4MB)
6 p.m. Special Closed Session Agenda, and 7 p.m. Regular Session Agenda, with staff reports for Consent Calendar items and Unpaid Garbage Charges
06/17/2014 City Council Agenda Packet - Part 2(PDF, 6MB)
Staff reports for Downtown Waterfront Specific Plan Update contract award, request to include City in program to address property squatters, and repeal of City sex offender ordinance.
Staff Report - PDA Funding(PDF, 128KB)
Feb. 4, 2014
Staff Report - PDA Planning Grant(PDF, 854KB)
March 5, 2013