Suisun City Expansion Exploration


Suisun City is taking steps to strengthen its economy and secure a bright future for all residents. Over the past decade, Suisun City has faced budget challenges and has worked proactively to address them through the adoption of a new sales tax, staffing stabilization and enhanced economic development efforts.

At its January 21 City Council Meeting, the City Council directed the City Manager to explore annexation opportunities, a new avenue in the efforts to protect Suisun City’s economic future. This process will involve discussions with Solano County officials, Travis Air Force Base, community stakeholders and regional partners. Any proposed plans for annexation will go to the City Council for public discussion and would require approval from the Solano County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).

As of late January, the City is in the exploration phase of talking to key stakeholders and exploring options. It is anticipated this phase will last a few months.



Meetings and Resources

Council Meetings:

January 21 City Council Meeting Video
January 21 City Council Meeting Agenda Packet

Historical Information on Suisun City Development:

This 2-part video series shows how Suisun City overcame development challenges and progressed from being voted the worst place to live in the San Francisco Bay Area (1986) to being an ideal place for families to live, work and play. Former Mayor Jim Spering led this new development effort by intentionally reinventing Suisun City’s downtown and launching a comprehensive, Citywide redevelopment plan.

Back from the Brink Video, Part 1

Back from the Brink Video, Part 2


Why is Suisun City exploring annexation opportunities?

The City Council asked the City Manager to develop a comprehensive plan to address the long-term financial stability of Suisun City. City Manager Bret Prebula outlined several options, including a sales tax measure, stabilizing staffing at City Hall and launching an aggressive economic development plan. The City has neared completion of all of these steps. But at only roughly 4 square miles, the smallest city in Solano County, compared to 41 sq mi for Fairfield or 29 for Vacaville, Suisun City needs to explore creative solutions to achieve long-term financial stability. Therefore, an additional option arose for consideration: exploring growing Suisun City by expanding the City borders. At the January 21 City Council Meeting, the Mayor and Council members approved a motion (4-1) requesting the City evaluate expansion options for Suisun City.

What does annexation mean?

City annexation is the legal process of adding land to a city’s boundaries. It is a way for cities to grow and provide services to new areas. When annexing land, the City does not purchase the land; the land is added to the City through the developer’s project.

What are the alternatives to exploring annexation opportunities?

The City is building on its economic development agenda to create more opportunities within its boundaries. While the Measure S sashes tax has been passed, the City remains committed to keeping taxes low to ensure Suisun City remains an affordable place to live, work and play. The sales tax has made an impact, but it alone is not enough to fully address the City’s future needs and financial sustainability.

For more information on ongoing developments within the City, visit: Suisun City Economic Development

Has this approach been successful in other cities in Solano County?

The City of Fairfield has utilized annexation as a successful tool for development growth.

What areas is the City considering for annexation opportunities?

The City is currently focused on identifying optimal land to annex. When considering areas for annexation, the property owners, neighboring cities/counties, Suisun residents and other stakeholders play a role in determining where annexation would make the most sense.

How would annexation affect Travis Air Force Base?

Travis Air Force Base (AFB) plays a critical role in defending America and the local economy. The City is committed to ensuring any potential annexation protects Travis AFB. Travis AFB is a key stakeholder that the City will be engaging in conversations to consider expansion options and potential impacts/considerations for regional partnerships; those partners near Travis AFB.

Will residents have a say in this process?

Yes, Suisun City residents will have opportunities to engage in the processes involved in potential expansion/annexation considerations. The City is committed to keeping residents informed through a transparent communication process. The conversations surrounding annexation and any ideas or plans that may come from them would come back to the City Council for a public discussion in the future. Additionally, any actual annexation process would then be up for public review by the Solano County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).

What are the next steps in this process?

The City is exploring all options for expansion and will be engaging in conversations with key stakeholders and regional partners to determine what makes the most sense for Suisun City’s future. Identifying land available to annex is a first step for considering new development. The City Manager will return to City Council in the coming months to update the Council with options.

Should an annexation process begin in the future, the process would include community engagement and education, public hearings, Council consideration and action, and the oversight of the Solano County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).

What is Solano County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), and why is their approval needed for City annexation?

Solano County LAFCO is a regulatory agency responsible for overseeing the boundaries of cities and special districts within a county. Its primary role is to promote efficient delivery of municipal services and oversee growth.

Solano County LAFCO’s approval is required for City annexation because it evaluates whether the proposed expansion aligns with regional planning goals, environmental considerations and the ability of the City to provide services to the annexed area. This process ensures that annexations are in the best interest of both the City and the affected communities.

Didn’t the City already enter into an agreement with a developer in the Downtown area before?

In 2006 the City entered into a partnership with Main Street West partners, with the goal of further developing the Downtown area. Unfortunately, that agreement did not produce the results the City desired. In 2023, the City was able to regain control of those properties and begin developing the area again with new partners.

How can I stay informed or get involved?

The City will continue to share information through its communication channels.

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This webpage will be regularly updated as the process continues.

Media Features

ABC10: Solano County: Suisun City explores expansion

ABC10: Suisun City Eyes Expansion

ABC10: Suisun City Facing Staffing Shortages


Media Inquiries

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