Public Works - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How do I report an issue to Public Works?
- How do I download the MyCivic app?
- Where can I get sandbags?
- How long, on average, does it take for a streetlight to get repaired?
- What if there is an issue with a traffic signal along Highway 12?
- How do I report a pot hole or other roadway related issue on Highway 12?
- How do I report landscaping issues on Highway 12?
- Why are canals and open channels maintained once per year?
- How do I report graffiti?
- I noticed a damaged roadway sign such as a stop sign or street name sign, how do I have it replaced?
- I am seeing faded street markings on streets and roadways other than Hwy 12.
- How do I report landscape concerns?
- How do I report an issue at a playground?
- How do I report sidewalk issues?
- How do I report a storm drain or storm drain inlet concern?
- How do I report a sewer issue and/or a sewer back-up?
- How do I report a Code Enforcement issue?
- How do I report a homeless camp?
- How do I report illegal dumping on public property?
- How do I report illegal dumping on private property?
- What if I have questions about or concerns with street sweeping?
- What if I have questions regarding trash service and/or recycling services?
- I have questions about the annual Landfill Discount Coupon and/or my annual Bulky Waste pick-up.
- How can I get an Encroachment Permit?
- How can I get a Block Party Permit for a party on my street?
- How do I report an issue to Public Works?
- You may report a Public Works related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- How do I download the MyCivic app?
- On your iPhone, go to the App Store.
- Search “City of Suisun City”.
- App icon should look something like the following:

- Select download and app should download to your phone.
- You can proceed to report issues, pay your water bill, and access other City services through this app.
- Where can I get sandbags?
- The City’s sandbag station is located in the parking lot behind City Hall and Police Station at the end of Civic Center Blvd. Use the last driveway on the right as you are driving southbound on Civic Center Blvd.
- You will need to bring a shovel as the shovel previously provided continued to get stolen.
- How long, on average, does it take for a streetlight to get repaired?
- Streetlight repairs depend on many factors such as staffing levels, weather conditions, type of issue that is encountered upon investigation, whether or not the part is on hand or not, how long it takes for a needed part to come in, weather, and available scheduling windows once parts are received. The City does not have a dedicated streetlight repair crew. A simple, routine repair takes roughly about 2-3 weeks to complete. A more intricate repair will take longer to complete. Some power related issues need to deferred to PG&E and these PG&E repairs can take a significant amount of time to complete. Again, staffing levels and weather both directly impact the speed at which staff can complete street light repairs.
- What if there is an issue with a traffic signal along Highway 12?
- Caltrans maintains State Route Highway 12. This includes responding to pot holes or other roadway issues, and addressing traffic signal concerns. Any issues along Highway 12, including signal issues, can be reported to Caltrans via the following link:
- How do I report a pot hole or other roadway related issue on Highway 12?
- Caltrans maintains State Route Highway 12. This includes responding to pot holes or other roadway issues, and addressing traffic signal concerns. Any issues along Highway 12, including signal issues, can be reported to Caltrans via the following link:
- How do I report landscape issues on Highway 12?
- You may report a Public Works Hwy 12 landscape-related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- Why are canals and open channels maintained once per year?
- The City must adhere to and follow the regulations set out in the Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement with the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). This Agreement outlines all work that can occur in the various areas of the canals and channels, how this work can be done, and the time of year the work can be completed. The current Agreement only allows the City to be in the canal and channel bank and water way areas once per year between May 1st and October 15th and only after Public Works Maintenance (PWM) crew is trained by a licensed biologist and after the biologist has inspected each site the day of work to confirm the absence of any listed or protected species.
- Canal tops are mowed once per year as a separate project and also as part of the annual canal cleaning project under the DFW Permit. This results in the canal tops being mowed twice per year as staffing allows (once in the Spring and once mid-Summer) as part of the annual canal maintenance program.
- How do I report graffiti?
- You may report a Public Works graffiti-related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- NOTE: If the graffiti is on private property please contact Code Enforcement:
- or (707) 908-0597
- I noticed a damaged roadway sign such as a stop sign or street name sign, how do I have it replaced?
- You may report a Public Works sign-related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- I am seeing faded street markings on streets and roadways other than Hwy 12.
- You may report a Public Works roadway-related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- How do I report landscape concerns?
- You may report a Public Works landscape-related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- How do I report an issue at a park and/or playground?
- You may report a Public Works playground-related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- How do I report sidewalk issues?
- You may report a Public Works sidewalk & trip hazard-related issue via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- NOTE: Sidewalk issues are often the responsibility of the homeowner whose property fronts the sidewalk area in question. Repairs and the costs associated with the repairs are the responsibility of the homeowner.
- How do I report a storm drain or storm drain inlet concern?
- You may report a Public Works storm drain-related issue and/or questions via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- How do I report a sewer issue and/or a sewer back-up?
- Report sewer related issues immediately.
- Call City Hall – (707) 421-7340 or Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- How do I report a Code Enforcement issue?
- Contact Code Enforcement either by email or by phone:
- (707) 908-0597
- How do I report a homeless camp?
- Use one of the reporting methods provided in question #1 – How Do I Report Issues to Public Works?
- How do I report illegal dumping on public property?
- You may report a Public Works illegal dumping on public property via one of the following methods:
- Calling City Hall – (707) 421-7340
- Reporting via the “MyCivic” app on your Smart Phone (See Question 2 for more details)
- Emailing
- Emergency and after-hour issues – Police Dispatch (707) 421-7373
- How do I report illegal dumping on private property?
- Contact Code Enforcement through on of the following methods:
- MyCivic (See Question 2 for more details)
- Email –
- Phone – (707) 908-0597
- What if I have questions about or concerns with street sweeping?
- Please contact Amanda Dum – or (707) 421-7345.
- Report through the “MyCivic” app.
- Street sweeping is currently managed by Republic Services as part of the City’s Franchise Agreement.
- Access current Zone Map and street sweeping calendar via à
- What if I have questions regarding trash service and/or recycling services?
- Please contact Amanda Dum – or (707) 421-7345.
- Report through the “MyCivic” app.
- I have questions about the annual Landfill Discount Coupon and/or my annual Bulky Waste pick-up.
- Please contact Amanda Dum – or (707) 421-7345.
- An annual landfill discount coupon ($25 value) is mailed to each account in good standing within Suisun City limits in January or February of each year.
- To schedule your annual bulky waste pickup, you can contact Republic Services directly at (707) 437-8900.
- How can I get an Encroachment Permit Application?
- Visit: (scroll down about mid-page)
- An Application can be found via this link:
- Contact Public Works at (707) 421-7341 or email Gemma Geluz at
- How can I get a Block Party Permit Application for a party on my street?
- An Application can be found via this link:
- Contact Public Works at (707) 421-7341 or email Gemma Geluz at