Recycling & Solid Waste Information
Recycling and solid waste services are provided by Public Works through a number of partnerships with private companies, such as Solano Garbage, a division of Republic Services, and other public agencies, such as Solano County, and the State of California.
This page is intended as a hub for essential information to assist City residents in complying with a wide variety of Federal, State, Regional, and County laws and regulations designed to protect the environment.
Solid Waste services are provided by Republic Services/Solano Garbage under an exclusive franchise agreement approved by the City Council. Below are the key documents governing local solid waste services. Links to all past and current Franchise Agreements are included below for reference.
2023 Residential Customer Service Guide(PDF, 22MB)

For tips, tricks, and short helpful videos (in multiple languages) please visit:
Republic Services/Solano Garbage provides each single-family home with two 96-gallon wheeled carts (green & brown lid) and one 35-gallon cart (blue lid): curbside recycling cart (blue lid), organics recycling cart (green lid), and solid waste cart (grey/brown lid).
Blue Lid Recycling Cart Can Accept:
- Aluminum and metal cans (labels do not have to be removed)
- Plastic #1 through #7
- Newspaper
- Corrugated clean cardboard/box board (i.e. cereal, soda, beer type packaging).
- Magazines
- Glass - all glass
- Clean paper
>> Click to access the Republic Services – Solano Garbage website for more recycling information
>> Click for the Solano County Recycling Guide
Green Lid Organic Waste Cart Can Accept (for more info on organics recycling click here ):
- Yard trimmings, grass cuttings, small tree and brush trimmings
- Leaves, flowers, and weeds
- Newspaper
- Food waste such as coffee grounds, egg shells, grain products, and baked goods
- Bones, meat, and fish
- Other decomposable organic matter
- Pizza boxes (used)
- Clean wood
- Un-coated paper plates (e.g. Chinet paper plates)
- Food soiled paper towels and napkins
- NOTE –> Bags can be used but they must be compostable bags with the Biodegradable Products Institute logo/approval. Examples of bags

- BioBag
- Bio-Bosi
- More information on SB-1383 visit the City’s page or see Republic Services’ flyer
- For additional questions please email:
- Informational flyers are available in English, Spanish, and Tagalog - Please email:
>> Click to access the Republic Services – Solano Garbage website for more recycling information
Brown/Grey Lid Cart Can Accept:
- Items not listed above for the Blue Lid for Green Lid carts. See graphic at the top of this page.
The Drop-Off Day (DOD) Program as well as the Landfill Coupon Program have changed with the signing of the Interim Agreement with Republic Services on April 5, 2022.
Starting July 1, 2022, account holders in good standing will be mailed one (1) Landfill Coupon per year, and will also be eligible for one (1) bulky waste pick-up in front of your home per year. Republic Services will mail Landfill Coupons directly to each account.
Landfill Coupons are worth a $25 credit at Potrero Hills Landfill. Most standard truck bed loads exceed the value of the Landfill Coupon. Residents are required to cover the difference between the Coupon credit and the total load fee. At this time, the estimated cost to dispose of a standard load of general debris is around $87. Potrero Hills currently only takes credit cards and all loads must be covered to be accepted. Consider using Recology Hay Road in Vacaville for your landfill needs as the cost to dump a general load is about half of the cost to dump at Potrero Hills.
Please contact Republic Services for more details on what is eligible to be picked-up as part of your annual bulky waste pick-up.
Keep in mind that E-waste, appliances, and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) can be dropped off for free at Republic’s office outside of both of the programs listed above. Contact Republic for details on each specific program.
Household hazardous (HHW) waste must be disposed of in a controlled manner to prevent environmental damage. The preferred disposal methods available vary depending on the type of material involved.
Oil & Filter Curbside Pickup Program – Dispose of Used Motor Oil & Filters for Free
Republic Services will collect used motor oil and motor oil filters on regular collection days at curbside for free if they are in approved containers. Oil filter bags are available from local auto parts stores or by calling Republic Services. A used oil collection containers must be requested from Republic Services by calling (707) 437-8900. For more information click here.
Batteries, Oil, Paint, and Anti-Free (BOPA) Collection Facility Drop-Off
A drop-off facility is available for residents to dispose of batteries, oil (motor & cooking), paint (latex), and anti-freeze.
>> Click to access the Republic Services – Solano Garbage website for more recycling information
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program
The HHW Program is available to handle the items listed below by appointment only on the 2nd or 4th Saturday of the month. For more information or to make an appointment, call (707) 437-8971.
Items accepted through the HHW Program include:
- Paint – Oil & latex paints, stains, varnishes, solvents, thinners, adhesives
- Automotive items – Motor oil, oil filters, antifreeze, batteries
- Household cleaners and sprays – Oven cleaners, drain cleaners, bleach, waxes, polishes
- Garden items – Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, ant trap poison, gopher bait
- Other chemicals – Pool chemicals, photographic chemical, flammable liquids and gases, aerosol cans, roofing tar, roofing products
- Needles – Needles must be placed in a clear rigid enclosed container with the lid taped closed to prevent spilling
- Fluorescent tubes – Tubes, bulbs and other mercury-containing lamps.
- Household batteries – AA, AAA, C and D cells, and button batteries
- Mercury Gauges – Barometers, manometers, old thermostats
For information about specific items you have, please call (707) 437-8971 or use this link.
Republic Services/Solano Garbage operates a free electronic waste drop-off location at 2901 Industrial Court, Fairfield, Ca 94533, open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m weekdays (closed 11:45-1 p.m. for lunch). For more information, call (707) 437-8900 or use this link.
Accepted items include:
- Televisions (no larger than 32 inches)
- Computer monitors
- Computer towers (CPU’s)
- Laptops
- Printers (regular desktop only)
- Mice
- Hard drives
- Fax machines (regular desktop only)
- Microwave ovens
- DVD players
- VCRs
- Computer cables and cords
- Telephones
- Cell phones (remove batteries)
- Radios (no speakers)
- Shredders (regular household size only)
Republic Services will accept appliances from Suisun City
residents with a valid residential waste account on the
following Friday and Saturday dates in 2023:
April 7-8 and 14-15; June 2-3 and 9-10;
July 28-29; August 4-5;
September 29-30; and October 6-7
Please contact Republic Services for specific details on this program (707) 437-8900.
For additional details on any of this information, click here or call (707) 437-8900
- For more information on Mesothelioma - Asbestos Recycling - Click Here
- For more information on Cigarettes & Vaping & New Legislation Including Health and Environmental Damage - Click Here