The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), under the direction of the State Fire Marshal, is rolling out new Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ) within the Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) for the City of Suisun City. The City of Suisun City is required to provide public access to the proposed maps and host a public comment period.
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Suisun City partners with the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (FSSD) to provide sewer & wastewater services to the residents of Suisun City.
The FSSD owns and operates the trunk sewer system, which includes all sewer mains larger than 12 inches in diameter, the major pump stations and the force mains that convey wastewater to the Treatment Plant on Chadbourne Road in Fairfield. The FSSD also provides sewer services to Fairfield and Travis Air Force Base. The City Councils of Suisun City and Fairfield sit as the governing body of the FSSD.
Suisun City owns and operates 74 miles of small gravity sewer mains fall less than 10 inches in diameter. Lateral service lines connecting individual structures to a sewer main are the responsibility of the private property owner.
The FSSD also is responsible for assisting with the administration of the State's stormwater diversion and control regulations along coordinating the annual Coast & Creek Cleanup events.
If you notice a sewer failure, call the Police Dispatch Center immediately at 707-421-7373. Dispatchers are on duty 24/7 and will send the correct staff to address the issue.
The Sewer System Management Plan (the SSMP) was created and will be updated periodically to comply with Section 13268 of the California Water Code, as administered by the State Water Resources Control Board (the SWRCB) and the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (the RWQCB).
The SSMP is organized into 11 Elements and a number of Appendices. Use the links below to access the document in pdf format.
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