The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), under the direction of the State Fire Marshal, is rolling out new Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ) within the Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) for the City of Suisun City. The City of Suisun City is required to provide public access to the proposed maps and host a public comment period.
The Suisun City Public Works Department participates in efforts to control the amount and quality of storm water running off hard scape surfaces in the City.
Because the storm drains in Suisun City connect directly to the Suisun Marsh controlling storm water runoff is a major environmental priority. The Suisun Marsh is the largest contiguous brackish-water marsh left in the continental United States west of the Mississippi River.
Several resources are available to developers, builders and others involved in the control of storm water. These documents are in PDF format; some are large so please be patient as they download.
Potable water is supplied to Suisun City customers by the Suisun-Solano Water Authority. More information about establishing water service can be found on the Utility Services page. SSWA also is responsible for updating and managing the City’s Urban Water Management Plan.