Upcoming Park Projects
This page is intended to give updates of major Suisun City Park Projects in development. For specific questions, contact Marvin Mora, Management Analyst II, at mmora@suisun.com.
Prosperity Garden Park

Prosperity Garden Park will be located on a City owned 1.9 acre lot west of Blossom Ave along the canal of Laurel Creek. Project will consist of a community garden along with a mini-park with recreation features at its entryway. Features include a secure perimeter, a vegetative screen to protect adjacent homes, restrooms, storage area, & rentable plots and raised beds.
Total Project Cost = $1,918,243
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding - $375,000
- CA Department of Parks and Recreation ‘Specified Grant’ Funding - $780,000
- Suisun City Park Development Funds - $762,243
Update – 3/5/25
Construction Contractor WABO Landscape and Construction is scheduled to resume work on the site on 3/10/25. All structures and fixtures have been delivered to the project site, so barring any weather delays, it is expected to be a straightforward build. Project completion is expected for late May 2025, but contractor will verify remaining timeline upon return to site. Grand Opening event will be scheduled once timeline is verified and once closer to the completion date.
Sustainable Solano (SuSol) is also assisting Suisun City RPM Department with community garden outreach, construction and implementation of community garden rules, and meaningful education programs. SuSol is holding focus group meetings at the Suisun City Library, with the next one scheduled for 3/18 at 6pm. SuSol will host at least one more meeting in anticipation of the project completion.
Montebello Vista Park Revitalization

This project will feature the conversion of the grass playing field into a synthetic field surface, facility inclusive of restroom, snack bar, and storage, and new shade structure near the playground area.
Total Project Cost – $2,424,363
- CA Department of Parks and Recreation ‘Specified Grant’ Funding - $1,720,000
- Suisun City Park Development Funds - $704,363
Update – 3/5/25
Project is nearing end of design phase. According to updated timeline given by design contractor Melton Design Group, they are nearing completion of 90% Construction Documents and will submit to the City in mid-March 2025. In line with the contractor timeline and barring any unforeseen circumstances, project will go out to bid for construction in late April/May, and is expected to be complete by the end of October 2025. The project will be completed well before grant funding expires in June 2026.
Heritage Park Enhancement

Project will include the rehabilitation of the existing basketball court surface, the addition of a multi-sport court, and the construction of a covered picnic pavilion. The mini-pitch is funded through funding from the National Recreation and Park Association's Youth Sports Equity Grant Program.
Estimated Total Project Cost – $800,000
- Project fully funded through Park Development Funds
Update – 3/5/25
Project is also nearing end of design phase. Design firm GSM Landscape Architects has submitted 75% Construction Documents to the City for approval, and project team is aiming to bring final design and budget for City Council approval in May 2025. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, project is expected to be complete by October 2026.