Recreation, Parks, Marina & Arts Commission

The Suisun City Recreation, Parks, Marina & Arts Commission is appointed by the Mayor with consent of the City Council. The Parks and Recreation Commission was created in 1978, and reformed as the Recreation, Parks, Marina & Arts Commission in 2019.


  • 6 p.m. on the 1st Wednesday of the month. A meeting may be set for the 3rd Wednesday, if business requires.
  • City Hall, 701 Civic Center Blvd.
  • Meeting Agendas

Commission Members

Commission Member First Appointed Term Expires
Essex Cook 02/2023 01/2025
Lilia Dardon 02/2023 01/2027
John Harter 02/2023 01/2027
Donna LeBlanc 02/2023 01/2025
Eddrick Osborne 02/2019 01/2027
Aaron Sencil 01/2022 01/2027

Duties and Responsibilities

The powers of the commission, as described in Suisun City Code Title 2 Chapter 2.16, include:

  • Advising the directors of recreation and community services and public works regarding parks, recreation programs, grants, applicable operational policies, unmet needs and strategies to address them, and recreational facilities under direction of either department.
  • Recommending to the City Council policies on matters pertaining public parks and facilities, public recreation, open space, public right-of way beautification projects, personnel needed to assist the directors and commission.
  • Assisting in the planning, development and review of recreational facilities, public parks, public recreation, services managed or provided by or offered through the recreation and community services and public works departments to meet the needs of the community.
  • Providing a forum for residents to express their views related to public parks and recreation and community services department programs and services, and other related issues. Promote interest, cooperation, and support among public and private organizations and agencies and local residents for the city’s recreation programs.