Suisun City Adopts Economic Development Strategy & Implementation Plan

Published on March 05, 2025


On Tuesday, March 4, Suisun City adopted an Economic Development Strategy and Implementation Plan (EDSIP). The EDSIP provides an overview of the economic and real estate market conditions facing Suisun City and includes a roadmap to leverage local, regional and national trends along with the city’s own strengths and assets to pursue economic development and fiscal resilience.

“This plan puts our dreams and aspirations for Suisun City into action,” said City Manager Bret Prebula. “It’s no secret our city is facing real challenges when it comes to financial stability, staffing and economic growth. Now we have a roadmap that will guide our strategy and steps, prioritizing both infill and expansion development opportunities, making the best use of our resources for the future of Suisun City.”

The EDSIP provides important insights into the types of commercial development that will bring the most benefit to Suisun City, the necessary housing to support this development, the timing of development and the required infrastructure improvements. The plan also highlights real estate strategies for publicly-owned and privately-owned properties, identifying six potential opportunity sites across the city.

Next steps for implementation of this plan include proceeding with Surplus Land Act (SLA) compliance, updating the Waterfront District Specific Plan, launching business expansion and attraction activities, evaluating potential infrastructure financing tools and evaluating regional, state and federal funding opportunities.

The full EDSIP presentation can be viewed here.