Suisun City To Engage Property Owners in Expansion Exploration Process
Published on March 19, 2025
On Tuesday, March 18, Suisun City Manager Bret Prebula provided the City Council with an update regarding the council-directed city expansion exploration process. The city manager shared a powerpoint presentation detailing the need for city expansion in order to sustain and grow city services, jobs and housing.
“Infill development is necessary for growth within Suisun City,” said City Manager Bret Prebula, “but it’s not enough. Our current budget does not sustain adequate services or staffing for a city our size and we need to be thinking decades ahead for the sake of our city’s infrastructure and operations. Staff has engaged over a dozen regional stakeholders and conducted extensive research into what it will take to provide our residents with the amenities they want and deserve. We are now ready to engage property owners to understand their interest in annexing into Suisun City.”
The city manager’s presentation provided budget figures necessary to sustain a city of 30,000 people with basic services; Suisun City is currently under budget by about $15.6 million. To maintain critical capital infrastructure needs over the next 15 years, such as adding a second fire station, building a new police station, upgrading the community center and current fire station and conducting necessary dredging, Suisun City staff estimates an additional budget need of $70-$80 million.
“Our residents hired us to make decisions in the best interest of the city,” said Mayor Alma Hernandez. “It is our responsibility to not only address the immediate needs of our residents, but to look ahead and plan for the future of Suisun City. If we can look ahead and see that the city we love is not in a position to thrive ten to twenty years from now, it is incumbent upon us to make the necessary changes today. We have to be willing to be innovative and strategic and we have to welcome growth for the sake of our future.”
Suisun City Council authorized City Manager Bret Prebula to send a letter to 24 property owners with annexable land adjacent to the city. The city manager plans to return to city council with another update on Tuesday, April 15.