Message from the City Manager

Published on April 11, 2023


Hello once again. I hope you are finding this monthly update to be informative about what your city government has been doing to improve our city.   

Please help me to welcome our newest Councilmember, Marlon L. Osum. Councilmember Osum was appointed after several public interview sessions that were held during City Council meetings to provide as much transparency in the selection process as possible. Councilmember Osum served for four years on the Solano County Mosquito Abatement District, as well as eight years on the Solano County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority Advisory Committee and has significant involvement in the community.  He will serve for the remainder of the term created by the vacancy when Mike Hudson moved out of state. Councilmember Osum’s term will expire in 2024. 

Now that we finally have a full Council for the first time in over one year, we will be taking on a number of pressing issues through the end of the fiscal year including labor negotiations, next year’s budget, and updating the strategic plan. 

Be sure to check out our BRAND-NEW WEBSITE at  You’ll have the opportunity to sign up for various notifications so that you can stay up to date with everything going on.  We are continuing to invest in new technologies to try to improve our communication and engagement with our community. 

If you haven’t already, please download the MyCivic app for Suisun City.  With this app you can report graffiti, report potholes and much more.  It’s a great way to stay connected with us.  Also, check out our Facebook page where we are adding regular content.

To read more please click on the full report below:  

CM Report March 2023(PDF, 2MB)

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