Eligibility and Application Process
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility is based on total annual gross income and family size. Total annual gross income must be less than the 50% area median income of the local jurisdiction during the year in which their application has been pulled from the waiting list and screened.
The program is limited to U.S. citizens and non-citizens who have been categorized under specific qualifying immigration status. Voucher holders cannot:
- Be a lifetime registered sex offender
- Be convicted of manufacturing methamphetamines on public housing1
1Housing Choice Voucher Program Section 8 | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
How to Apply
The Suisun City Housing Authority Waiting List is currently closed and not accepting new applications.
When the waitlist is open, the Housing Authority will accept applications online. The SCHA will notice the public at least two weeks prior to opening with further instructions. Physical forms can be provided and accepted at the request of persons with disabilities, the elderly or the individual assisting the applicant.
Waiting List Process
Suisun City has “local preferences” which help determine placement on the waiting list. The Housing Authority will first screen Suisun City residents who live or work within city limits, veterans, persons with disabilities, those who have 20+ hour jobs per week, those who have been displaced by natural disaster and those whose rent and utilities are more than 50% of their gross income. The more preferences claimed, the sooner they will be called for screening. It is important to note that all preferences claimed must be verified through written documentation. If an applicant does not qualify for one or more of the preferences they claimed, or if verification of what they claimed is not provided, they will be placed back on the waiting list and they will be reordered.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to report any changes in writing. Changes may include contact information, adding or removing family members from the application, preferences or gross annual income.
What happens after screening approval?
Once a voucher holder applicant is determined eligible, the Housing Authority issues a voucher and a Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) packet to the individual.
The voucher holder gives the packet to the chosen landlord for their desired unit and the landlord is responsible for filling out the paperwork.
Once the landlord has completed filling out the packet, the Housing Authority has two weeks to determine if the voucher holder is eligible.
The Housing Authority will then perform an inspection of the unit to make sure that it is habitable and up to code, meeting program requirements.
Support and Resources for Applicants
Visit Suisun City’s Housing Authority page for more information, including Housing Forms & Documents and Public Notices.
Housing Authority Contact Information:
The Housing Authority is located inside City Hall at 701 Civic Center Blvd.
Email: housingdepts@suisun.com
Telephone: 707-421-7330
Fax: 707-429-3758
Housing Authority Staff Hours
Monday & Tuesday - 1 – 5 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday - 9 a.m. -– Noon
Closed Friday