Housing Choice Voucher Program

What are Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers?

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers Section 8, also known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program, to help low-income families, the elderly and disabled individuals afford safe, private housing. It allows for these individuals and families to independently find and select housing of their choice so long as it meets the program requirements.


Who is eligible for rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program?

Eligibility is based on total annual gross income and family size. Total annual gross income must be less than the 50% area median income of the local jurisdiction during the year in which their application has been pulled from the waiting list and screened.
The program is limited to U.S. citizens and non-citizens who have been categorized under specific qualifying immigration status.
Voucher holders cannot:
  • Be a lifetime registered sex offender
  • Be convicted of manufacturing methamphetamines on public housing1


1Housing Choice Voucher Program Section 8 | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

How is the rent determined?

SCHA calculates the subsidy amount based on the participant family’s income. Participants pay at least 30% of their income toward rent and utilities.

How long does the process take from application submission to moving in?

When an applicant is placed on the waiting list, the timeline from submission to move-in can vary depending on waitlist placement and availability.

However, once an applicant is screened and determined eligible, the process will last the duration of the following steps:

The Suisun City Housing Authority (SCHA) issues a voucher and Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) packet to the applicant.

  1. The applicant gives the RFTA packet to the landlord of their desired unit, and the landlord is responsible for filling out the paperwork.
  2. Once the landlord has filled out and submitted the packet to the SCHA, the SCHA will determine if the applicant is eligible within two weeks.
  3. The SCHA will then perform an inspection of the unit to make sure that it is habitable and meets program requirements.
  4. After the unit passes inspection, a new lease and Housing Assistance Payments contract are executed, and the SCHA may begin housing assistance. Checks are disbursed to landlords at the beginning of each month. A prorated amount will be paid if the contract starts after the first.

How long can an individual or family be on the HCV Program?

A family can keep a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher for as long as they remain eligible under the program's rules. There is no fixed time limit for how long a family can participate, but continued assistance depends on meeting the following conditions:

  1. Income Eligibility:
    The family's income must not exceed program limits. If their income grows beyond the maximum allowed for eligibility, their assistance will end. However, some Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) allow families to continue renting their unit without assistance if they temporarily exceed the income threshold.
  2. Compliance with Program Rules include but are not limited to:
    • Paying their share of the rent on time.
    • Properly maintaining the rental unit.
    • Abiding by lease terms and not engaging in criminal activity or fraud.
    • Reporting all income and household composition changes in a timely manner.

Can Housing Choice Voucher tenants transfer assistance if moving to another city or state?

The Housing Choice Voucher program is administered locally. Families or individuals that move from one Public Housing Authority (PHA) jurisdiction to another must refer to the PHA that is responsible for administering housing assistance at their new location to account for any change in moving policies and procedures between jurisdictions. Transferring jurisdictions is known as “portability.”


Support and Resources 

Visit Suisun City’s Housing Authority page for more information, including Housing Forms & Documents and Public Notices.

Housing Authority Contact Information:
The Housing Authority is located inside City Hall at 701 Civic Center Blvd.

Telephone: 707-421-7330
Fax: 707-429-3758

Housing Authority Staff Hours
Monday & Tuesday - 1 – 5 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday - 9 a.m. -– Noon
Closed Friday

Partner with Suisun City as a Landlord

Eligibility and Application Process